design thinkers & doers

We use the empathy and development tools of design thinking principles, to question the existing reality and design innovative solutions for the future.


Like your favourite song, listen, listen and listen to the desires of others, observe and propose a meaningful solution what people will love and value.


Generate, and share many crazy creative ideas. Then mix those insights, co-create and build a tangible representation of them.


Test it, make it sustainable, validate, get feedback, iterate, and implement. Do not fear to redefine, until you feel the people really love the solution. 

    design thinking

    is a human-centered set of creative tools we use to integrate the needs of people, and deliver innovative answers. It is also a solution-based approach to solve problems in social contexts, businesses and for a non-designer audience as well.

    Audience empathy

    is the experience of understanding another person's condition from their perspective and it s crucial to a human-centred design process. Empathy allows us to challenge our own assumptions regarding any topic and empower prosocial behavior in order to gain fresh insights.

    Defining opportunities

    through a mapping process, to deepen into the ideas gathered from the other person's point of view. Because design thinking is a solution oriented tool-kit, the "problem as an opportunity" visualization, helps us to establish priorities and allows us to formulate the right questions.


    is the soul of the design thinking process. Beyond brainstorm, there are hundreds of ideation techniques. The basic rule is quantity over quality. Adding outsiders and diverse people to the ideation process, will give us wider scope to generate breakthrough ideas for building prototypes.


    makes ideas tangible, is shareable, allows us to gather feedback and improve them. Prototyping is an experimental phase, and the aim is to shape the best possible solution and fail in an inexpensive way to succeed sooner. Prototypes should be props that help us tell and share the story.


    the MVP is an essential step to involve stakeholders, and consumers to ensure that we are charting the right path. Co-creating, iterating and validaing with your audience will also help us to redefine one or more problems to make the outcome a desirable and business viable solution.


    is the most important part of design thinking. Real innovation is about solving and doing. Not just having ideas, but bringing these to life. Implementing a new solutions, products or a new business models is a long journey that can challenge or even compete with established models, and this is where innovation creates added value.

    A non-linear approach

    The different stages are not always sequential — they do not have to follow any specific order and they can often occur in parallel and be repeated. In essence, the design thinking process is iterative, flexible and focused on human-centered, meaningful solutionss.

    question everything!

    what isn't there that should be... a sea waves?

    Ironing boards are just surf boards that stopped pursuing their dreams, and settled for the standard, boring solutions.

    We love surfing and we'll continue surfing innovating!

    Where we are
